What is pyrecodes?

As disasters worlwide are becoming more frequent and severe, there is a growing need for tools that can help communities and cities assess their disaster resilience and identify the most effective resilience improvement strategies. pyrecodes is an open-source Python library for regional disaster recovery simulation and disaster resilience assessment of the built environment with the primary goal to respond to this pressing need. pyrecodes is based on the iRe-CoDeS framework developed in the research group of Professor Božidar Stojadinović at the Chair of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

GitHub Repository

Overview of the iRe-CoDeS framework.

Overview of the iRe-CoDeS framework.

iRe-CoDeS framework

The iRe-CoDeS framework for disaster resilience quantification discretizes a system into components and simulates the change in components’ supply and demand for various resources over the post-disaster recovery period. Components’ interactions are captured by simulating the flow of operation and recovery resources among components and conditioning their ability to operate and recover on their resource demand fulfillment. System’s resilience is then assessed by contrasting the post-disaster system-level evolution of supply, demand and consumption of various resources and identifying the magnitude and duration of unmet resource demands in the system.

The iRe-CoDeS framework has been used to:

(click to the side of the figure to cycle through, and in the center to see further details):

More information on the iRe-CoDeS framework can be found here.

pyrecodes architecture

Following figure represents the simplified object-oriented architecture of pyrecodes.

Simplified architecture of pyrecodes.

Simplified architecture of pyrecodes.