- class pyrecodes.system.recovery_target_checker.NoDamageRecoveryTargetChecker¶
Concrete subclass of RecoveryTargetChecker.
This class implements the recovery target checker where the system has recovered once all components are damage-free.
- recovery_target_met(system: System) bool ¶
Check whether the recovery target has been met for the given system.
The system is considered to have recovered once all components are damage-free (damage level close to 0).
- Args:
system (System): The system object to check for recovery.
- Returns:
bool: True if the recovery target is met, False otherwise.
- class pyrecodes.system.recovery_target_checker.RecoveryTargetChecker¶
Abstract base class for a recovery target checker.
This class defines the interface for checking whether the system has recovered and the resilience assessment interval is finished.