
class pyrecodes.resource_distribution_model.bridge_service_distribution_model.BridgeServiceDistributionModel(resource_name: str, resource_parameters: dict, components: [<class 'pyrecodes.component.component.Component'>])

Bases: AbstractResourceDistributionModel

Class that captures the effect of bridge functionality on the functionality of components located on a bridge. If the bridge is not functional, the components (e.g., roadways, power lines) on the bridge are not functional either.
Bridge service cannot be consumable with the current implementation.
Method to identify components that are bridges.
This method is a workaround until a Bridge class is created. Then check the class name instead of the component name.
component_is_on_the_bridge(component, bridge_component)
Method to identify components that are on a bridge.
Assume bridges are in a single direction - that’s why use sort.
distribute(time_step: int) None
get_total_consumption() float
get_total_demand() float
get_total_supply() float

Find all links that are on a bridge.