
class pyrecodes.resource_distribution_model.rewet_distribution_model.REWETDistributionModel(resource_name: str, resource_parameters: dict, components: list[Component])

Bases: AbstractResourceDistributionModel

Class that connects pyrecodes with the REWET water flow simulator.
component_has_demand_for_water(component: Component) bool
component_is_a_building(component) bool
Method to check if a component is a building.
At the moment, only R2DBuilding components are considered buildings.
distribute(time_step: int) None
distribute_water(time_step: int) None
Method to distribute water using the REWET water flow simulator.
Returns a dictionary with the met demand for each building.
REWET outputs met demand ratios slightly higher than 1.0 and lower than 0.0, this is normalized to the [0, 1] range.
get_total_consumption(scope='All') float
get_total_demand(scope='All') float
get_total_supply(scope='All') float
Assume supply equal to consumption at this point. TODO: Figure out how to change later.
update_buildings_met_demand() None
Update supply of buildings based on their met demand for water.
At the moment, updates only R2DBuilding components
Method to update the r2d_dict based on the current state of the components.
At the moment, the r2d_dict is created from scratch at each time step. Not efficient, optimize later.