
class pyrecodes.plotter.concrete_plotter.ConcretePlotter

Bases: object

Class that plots resilience assessment results in two formats:
1. The supply, demand, and consumption dynamics during recovery for a list of resources.
2. A Gantt chart that shows the recovery activities for each component in the system.
add_warmup(warmup: int, lists_to_extend: list[list]) list[list]
get_component_recovery_progress(component: Component) dict
get_supply_demand_consumption(system: System, resource_name: str, resilience_calculator_id=0) list[list]
Method returns a list of lists containing the supply, demand, and consumption dynamics during recovery for a list of resources.
Default values are set for the resilience calculator id. It is assumed that the first resilience calculator in system.resilience_calculators list is a recodes calculator with scope=’All’. The user can specify a different resilience calculator id as long as it is a recodes calculator.
plot_component_gantt_bar(component_row: int, component: Component, axis_object: axis) list
plot_gantt_chart(components: list[Component], x_axis_label='Time Step [day]') None
plot_single_resource(time_steps: list, supply: list, demand: list, consumption: list, axis_object: axis, warmup=0, show=False, supply_label='Supply', demand_label='Demand', consumption_label='Consumption') None
plot_supply_demand_dynamics(system: System, resources: list[str], units: list[str], resilience_calculator_id=0, x_axis_label='Time step [day]')
Method plots regional supply, demand, and consumption dynamics during recovery for a list of resources.
Default values are set for:
- the resilience calculator id. It is assumed that the first resilience calculator in system.resilience_calculators list is a recodes calculator with scope=’All’. The user can specify a different resilience calculator id as long as it is a recodes calculator.
- the x-axis label. It is assumed that the x-axis label is ‘Time step [day]’.
save_component_recovery_progress(components: list)
save_current_figure(savename='Figure.png', dpi=300) None
save_supply_demand_consumption(system, resource_names: list, resilience_calculator_id=0)
set_gantt_chart_legend(recovery_activities_legend: list, axis_object: axis) None
setup_gantt_chart_fig(x_axis_label) axis
setup_lor_plot_fig(x_axis_label: str, y_axis_label: str) axis